Introducing.....Business Sense!
Introducing….Business Sense!
Almost 5 years ago I sold Bay Business Services – passing on my amazing clients and staff to the wonderful new owner. It was an incredibly rewarding yet challenging process. I worked as an employee for a year, and then headed off to have my second baby. Since then I’ve been flying “under the radar” a little – taking on projects and ongoing work for clients who have somehow hunted me down despite having no active online presence. It’s been the perfect scenario for me being able to accommodate two of the many things I love: working and being a hands-on Mum.
So fast forward to today. A few years on and the kids aren’t newborns anymore. I am making a big step in the journey by launching Business Sense instead of continuing to be “Heidi under the radar”. For some in the background, you know this has been a soul searching pathway of sorts. Working out where my skills and passions align and what my unique gift is to the world has been quite the journey!
What I’ve come to discover is that I love systems and I love numbers. But I don’t love systems and numbers for just for the sake of it. I love systems and numbers that when gathered, arranged, dissected and interpreted tell a story. I love systems and numbers that when integrated with understanding and strategy bring clarity, control and confidence to the life of a business owner. I love the calm and clarity that comes when chaotic systems and numbers become beautifully ordered, meaningfully interpreted and “make sense”
I’ve also discovered that I love improving business processes. I love systems, software and processes that can bring ease and efficiency, that reduce bottlenecks and allow “flow” in a business, that empower employees, that eliminate waste and give a better customer experience and that produce accurate and measurable numbers, that uncover and illuminate hidden key profit levers.
In my time I have come across crazy talented business people, that when I look into their eyes I see an underlying unrest. These are often visionary, creative, innovative leaders in their field. The revenue may be steady and growing…but under the hood things are getting a bit wobbly. Overwhelmed and stressed. Sensing things aren’t in control. Making big decisions alone. Unsure and inefficient. Time poor and frustrated but charging on. Burdened by complexity and operational issues. Feeling ill at ease that things aren’t been done in the best way possible. Leaking time, energy and money. Ultimately impacting on their enjoyment of life and business.
These are my people. Because I have realised that I am the yin to their yang. I’ve realised that my love of numbers and systems alongside my business smarts coupled with my love of people is quite the beautiful collision. People matter to me, numbers make sense to me, continuous process improvement floats my boat and I love working in partnership with these folks.
So my hope is that Business Sense helps businesses owners make sense of their numbers so they can grow their business and live their dreams. That they can have their lifestyle and business goals aligned with a profit focussed strategy. That continuous improvement is undertaken which affects the lives of everyday humans in a meaningful way. That grounded plans and achievable road maps are put into action and business owners feel supported as we together bring them to life. To do this so that more business owners can hand on heart say that they are actually enjoying their lives, while maximising profit and making a worthwhile impact on their sphere of business.
There a few ways that I’m making this happen…check out my new website to learn more